Ankita Ghoshal


Ankita is an analyst at Tideline, focused on supporting clients in the deep tech and climate sectors. Ankita joined the Tideline team in March 2024.

Prior to Tideline, she completed a Fulbright Research Fellowship in Mumbai, focused on design and market integration of new water harvesting technologies for rural India.

Previously, she was a Senior Analyst at the UChicago Center for Radical Innovation for Social Change, working directly with Freakonomics co-author Steve Levitt to develop unorthodox solutions for complex challenges spanning criminal justice, K-12 education, & healthcare. In this role, she spearheaded the design of a scalable math tutoring model, implemented AI-driven math software across Chicago Public Schools, and helped develop innovative software and programs to reduce recidivism in Cook County.

Ankita began her career as the founder of the Y Combinator-backed startup Reebeez, which built ultra-low-carbon microengines for drones and robots.

Ankita earned a BSE in mechanical engineering from Princeton University, receiving the Enoch J. Durbin Thesis Prize for Engineering Innovation and a minor in theater.